Jeff Greenwood and Heidi Lemmon started working together in the late 90s’ on promoting skateparks. Heidi was trying to get them built (SPAUSA) and Jeff was starting a website (Concrete Disciples) to showcase the parks. They started out sharing information that would be useful for cities that needed more information on skateparks. Years later Jeff had some serious health issues and Heidi was surprised to see him skating one day, fully recovered. They talked about the health benefits of skateboarding and thought it would be fun to do a free series for older skaters based on health and fitness. Chris Mahoney and *Steve Wright, LA city Pedlow skatepark staff, had worked with Heidi in the past on school skateboarding programs and contests and offered to partner for the first event. They thought there might be a handful of guys who would come but no one thought they would get any sponsors. Wrong on both counts!
The OG Jam’s first event was at Pedlow Skatepark in Los Angeles. They didn’t have a PA system but Pedlow brought out tents, tables and chairs. Earl Okinaka volunteered to help with judging and fliers. They were off to a humble start but sponsors and participants donated time, services and product to make the series come to life with flyers, t-shirts, judging, stickers, etc. and great turnouts at all five stops.
OG Jam is now going into the 9th year (2020).
Many thanks to:
Our Sponsors (Sponsors)
Art – Callie (OBT), Earl Okinaka, Richard Sanchez and Gabriel Rivera; art for logo, fliers, stickers & tee shirts
Event Production – Lonnie Hiramoto, Brandon & Kristy Fields, Kimi Kallman, Jeff Greenwood, Heidi Lemmon
Our Volunteer Army – Participants chip in with their own skills whether its music, set up, clean up, judging, pr, photography, filming, registration or guarding the prizes.